Sunday, May 22, 2011

Starting up summer and summer start ups

Ever since the tornado it has been a little difficult to grasp that this semester is over and summer is here! I am back in Tampa for my little brother’s graduation which means I have a week to sit around and be creative. Although this summer will mainly consist of working and 9 (yes I said 9…) hours of classes, I have many other projects that I would like to start up. This list is made up of the following…
1. Watercolors! I want to paint some canvases to decorate my room in my apartment. My apartment has been semi-homey the past year but I feel like it needs a little umph if you know what I mean. 
2. Happy Healthy Summer. Working out is something I try to do everyday. However, I tend to like Chipotle, BBQ, and Mac and Cheese a tad more than the next person. This is why this summer I am making a serious effort to eat healthy and exercise intensely. My 21st birthday is in 6 months! I want to look the best I have looked in a really long time so I am kicking it into gear!
3. Journaling is something I have tried to start a couple of times but have epically failed at continuing. This time is the charm…I can feel it. I have been thinking about many random things recently that I need to be writing down. So here goes something…
4. I love cooking and baking, I always have. There are so many recipes that I see here on Tumblr, blogspot, or in my magazines that I want to save and make. So I want to start a recipe binder where I can keep all of my recipes organized and in one place. Let this deliciousness begin!
5. Starting a piggy bank may sound like a seriously childish thing to do. But you will be surprised how much money you can save when putting all of your spare change and cash into one place that is not easily accessible. I am not exactly sure what I am saving for yet..maybe traveling? new clothing? any other ideas?
6. Volunteering at an autism school/clinic. To be a behavioral therapist for kids with autism is something that has been a goal of mine since I changed my major to Psychology and Human Development. Now I just got to find one…
Well those are just some things I want to start up this summer. I will try and keep y’all updated on how I am doing with these projects. Does anyone else have cool plans for the summer?!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Remember Me?!?

Okay so I know it has been 4 months since I have even touched this blog but is a Monday and Mondays are for new beginnings right? I am back at home in Tampa now due to all of the destruction and devastation in Tuscaloosa. It really is something I can't describe, Half of the town is gone. I still cannot believe that it actually happened and I am living to see the next week. I am truly blessed to be alive and have all of my belongings. My prayers are with some of my friends and many others in the city of Tuscaloosa that were not so fortunate. God will get us through this hard time and we will rebuild and be stronger than ever. Please Reblog this picture as it has become the symbol reminding us to pray and keep in our thoughts the people and families of those suffering in Tuscaloosa.

In the past 4 months my head has been spinning with ideas for this blog. I think when I started it I was not quite certain on the direction I wanted to take it but now I think I have a grasp on how I would like to expand. My whole life music has been the most influential art form. Now don't get me wrong...this will NOT just be a music blog. Like I have explained before I am quite scatterbrained so you can expect to see some fashion, photography, and other randomness that I thoroughly enjoy. Today is just going to be this post to let everyone know that I am back in business and I hope that everyone hasn't given up on me.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I would like...

A cat named cheese.
...and he would love me unconditionally.
more to come later.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Soo...I like perfume...alot

1.Women's Denali North Face, 2. Chanel Chance Perfume, 3. Brown Riding Boots:, 4. New Ipod Touch, 5. Forever 21 Giftcards, 6. Dolce and Gabana Light Blue Perfume, 7. Kate Spade Twirl Perfume, 8. Clinique Skin Care System (The best thing for your skin ever), 9. Dogeared Wishbone Pendant, 10. Talon cuff, 11. Turquoise necklace.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

It isn't just cold...its freezing. But it's kinda nice also just sitting on my couch with some hot chocolate watching a Christmas movie....if only I had someone to cuddle with also. haha :) I cant help but be a bit lonely here in my apartment while all of my friends have gone home. I am happy about making some money this week at work. It snowed today in tuscaloosa! like actual falling snowflakes! That is my first time seeing actual snow flakes fall from the sky! I was pretty excited. I wish i could be singing this song with darrin criss (he's not gay in real life!) love this song!

Stay warm everybody!

Friday, December 10, 2010

15 Days till Christmas!!

FINALS ARE OVER!! I don't think I could be any happier. After multiple all nighters and chapters of information being jammed into my brain it is an understatement to say I need some fun and relaxation. Last night I lit some candles in my room and just laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I'm sure it sounds frivolous but it was probably one of the best things I have done in awhile. Living in an apartment with 3 other people it's hard to get a moment to myself; and sometimes, that is all i need. Soon enough I will be trucking back to Tampa to spend the holidays with my beautiful family.

It is 15 days till Christmas!! and to say i'm excited is absolutely wrong. I'M ECSTATIC. So i'm gonna share some things on my Christmas list everyday :)

These little babies are at the top of my list. Cant wait to wear these everywhere, so many possibilities.

Have a great weekend everybody :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nothing makes me happier than...

Starbuck's holiday cups and drinks! Look at this adorable picture I found, I nearly died when i saw it.
Being home for thanksgiving is so nice and I cant wait to see my massive loud family on Thursday to stuff my face with 4000 calories worth of food and not feel guilty about it. There is a large difference between Tampa and Tuscaloosa but the one thing that has really thrown me for a loop is this weather. IT'S 85 DEGREES HERE! Come on now that is ridiculous! I have all of these cute winter outfits to wear but I cant wear them here! Today while getting ready to go to my favorite mall here in my home town I put on shorts and a tank top. I looked at myself in the mirror and said "This is so not right it's november!" So i put on my new cardigan from old navy and that made me feel at least little less july-ish. You know I always said I hate cold weather but I have realized that maybe there are some things I enjoy about it. I love wearing a big loose sweater and watching a movie drinking hot chocolate, I love how my nose gets red when its cold out, I love running in cold weather and that burn you feel in your lungs, and like I said earlier you cant forget the starbuck's holiday drinks! YUM! I could probably go on for an hour but i'll stop there. Of course there are things I like about the summer also but right now i'm craving some winter love. Give it to me mother nature please!